
Instructions on this page will guide you through installation process. You can choose to use puppet tool or setup everything manually.

Provisioning with Puppet

Gunnery repository contains puppet manifests, which can help setting up infrastructure required to run application. Puppet manifests are supported for systems:

  • Ubuntu 13.10 (raring)

Below are listed commands which will setup full-stack Gunnery instance on a bare bones server:

git clone --recurse-submodules /var/gunnery
cd /var/gunnery/puppet
cp manifests/hieradata/local.template.yaml manifests/hieradata/local.yaml
vim manifests/hieradata/local.yaml # set secrets
chown 700 manifests/hieradata/local.yaml
bash ./ # ensure puppet 3 is installed
FACTER_environment=production puppet apply manifests/base.pp --hiera_config manifests/hiera.yaml --modulepath=modules --manifestdir=manifests
cd /var/gunnery
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="gunnery.settings.production"
source /var/gunnery/virtualenv/production/bin/activate
make build
python createsuperuser

The last step is to edit /var/gunnery/gunnery/gunnery/settings/ and set the ALLOWED_HOSTS directive to the domain (or IP address) that your instance will be running on. Boom, if everything went well you have working application.

Manual Installation

Gunnery may seem like a simple app, but it depends on a few components. This document will guide you through the process of installing all of them. For simplicity’s sake, it’s assumed that the host machine is Debian-based and that all services are running on a single machine.

Gunnery <----> Database <----> Celery
  |                              |
  +----------> Queue <-----------+

Setup Database

PostgreSQL is the recommended database for Django projects, although other types may be used as well.

A gunnery user without the createdb or superuser permissions must be created along with a database gunnery, which will be owned by the gunnery user.

In short:

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
\password postgres
sudo -u postgres createuser -D -S -P gunnery
sudo -u postgres createdb -O gunnery gunnery

Setup Application

Download the gunnery application by cloning the repository. The recommended path is /var/gunnery:

sudo git clone --recurse-submodules /var/gunnery
sudo cd /var/gunnery

Under the requirements folder you will find lists of packages required for different environments. To install production packages:

pip install -r requirements/production.txt

Next, adjust the settings inside gunnery/settings/ file. In particular, add the domain (or IP address) of your instance to the ALLOWED_HOSTS list.

Now we’ll need to setup the database we created earlier for gunnery. To do so, we’ll need to synchronize the database’s schema with gunnery and run any necessary migrations. Then, we create the initial user and prepare the static files.

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="gunnery.settings.production"
export SECRET_KEY="<insert random string here>"
python syncdb # synchronize gunnery schema to postgres
python migrate # run any necessary database schema migrations
python collectstatic # prepare static files to be served
python createsuperuser # create the initial user

To test that the application is working, you can use Django’s built-in HTTP server:

python runserver

Optionally you can build html documentation with command:

cd /var/gunnery/docs
make htmlembedded

Install Messaging Queue

Celery requires a messaging queue for its operation, RabbitMQ being the recommended option. Refer to the Celery documentation for information about using alternatives.

sudo apt-get install rabbitmq

Configure Celery

Celery was installed in a previous step (pip install), it needs to be configured now.

# Copy provided init-script for Celery to /etc/init.d
sudo cp /var/gunnery/puppet/modules/component/files/celery.initd /etc/init.d/celeryd
# Copy provided Celery configuration defaults to /etc/default
sudo cp /var/gunnery/puppet/modules/component/templates/celery.default.erb /etc/default/celeryd
# Edit provided default to your satisfaction
sudo vim /etc/default/celeryd
sudo service celeryd start

Configure uWSGI

We’re going to use uWSGI to manage our Python processes. Just like celery it was installed by pip as a dependency. We need to create init script for it. Copy the example file and adjust variables (search for <% ... %>)

# Copy example file to /etc/init.d
sudo cp /var/gunnery/puppet/modules/component/templates/uwsgi.erb /etc/init.d/uwsgi
sudo chmod u+x /etc/init.d/uwsgi # Make init script executable
sudo vim /etc/init.d/uwsgi
  • replace <%= @log_path %> with /var/gunnery/log
  • replace <%= @run_path %> with /var/gunnery/run
  • replace <%= @virtualenv_path %> with /var/gunnery/virtualenv

Next, setup gunnery-specific configuration:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled # Create directory for gunnery uWSGI config
# Copy provided example config to newly created folder
sudo cp /var/gunnery/puppet/modules/component/templates/uwsgi.ini.erb /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/gunnery.ini
sudo vim /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/gunnery.ini
  • replace <%= @app_name %> with gunnery
  • replace <%= @app_path %> with /var/gunnery/gunnery
  • replace <%= @log_path %> with /var/gunnery/log
  • replace <%= @run_path %> with /var/gunnery/run
  • replace <%= @virtualenv_path %> with /var/gunnery/virtualenv
  • replace <%= @environment %> with production

To make sure your config works, try starting the uWSGI service, check the logs for errors, and validate if the socket file exists.

sudo service uwsgi start

Install Nginx

No magic here. Simply install, copy the provided template, and customize to your needs.

sudo apt-get install nginx
sudo cp /var/gunnery/puppet/modules/component/templates/nginx.django.conf.erb /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/gunnery
sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/gunnery
sudo service nginx reload


If you run into trouble and can’t figure out how to solve it yourself, you can get help via Github issue tracker.